Australia’s Iconic Landmarks and What They Mean To Aboriginal Australians


Australia is a vast and wide country that has many iconic landmarks that make it famous around the world. Many of these landmarks were named by British explorers when they first arrived in Australia but there are some places where it’s possible to find out what Aboriginal people think about these places.

Australia’s Iconic Landmarks and What They Mean To Aboriginal Australians

Ayers Rock, Northern Territory

Ayers Rock, or Uluru as it’s known by Aboriginal Australians, is a sacred site to the Pitjantjatjara people. It has been home for thousands of years and serves as an important part of their culture.

The rock itself stands 348 metres high with a circumference of 9 kilometres. The sandstone formation was created by erosion over millions of years; today it looks like an enormous sand dune that has been cracked open down its middle.

Katherine Gorge, Northern Territory

Katherine Gorge is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is located in Nitmiluk National Park. The gorge is part of the Katherine River and is a popular tourist attraction that attracts about 300,000 visitors each year. It’s a great place to go swimming, canoeing, rafting and fishing.

Great Barrier Reef, Queensland

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system and it is the only living thing on Earth visible from space. It is made up of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for more than 2,600 kilometers off the coast of Queensland in northeastern Australia.

The reef supports a huge variety of fish species, as well as whales and dolphins–and its waters are home to some of the most spectacular marine life you’ll ever see. In fact, there are more than 1,500 species among its corals alone! The Great Barrier Reef is also home to many types of plants and animals that you can’t find anywhere else on Earth: they have evolved over time because they live in such an isolated place with no land nearby (except for one small island).

Sydney Harbour Bridge, New South Wales

The Sydney Harbour Bridge is an iconic symbol of Australia, the city of Sydney and its history. As with many iconic landmarks, the bridge has become a symbol of both the cities’ future and their past.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge was built between 1923 and 1932 by British civil engineer Ralph Freeman (1874-1954) who was also responsible for designing other famous bridges such as London’s Tower Bridge and Vancouver’s Lions Gate Bridge.

Uluru (Ayers Rock), Northern Territory

Uluru is sacred to the Anangu people, who are the traditional owners of Uluru. It’s been a symbol of their connection to the land for over 2,000 years. The formation itself was created by erosion from wind and water over millions of years and stands 348 meters high with an area of 9 square kilometers (3 square miles).

Uluru is also known as Ayers Rock or Ulu r u (which means “rock” in local languages), and it has been a popular tourist destination since Europeans first came here in 1872–despite being off-limits for most people during much of that time because they were afraid they would damage its cultural significance. Today, Uluru remains one of Australia’s most iconic landmarks thanks largely due its status as both UNESCO World Heritage Site and national parkland; however these designations came only after much debate among politicians who were unsure how best protect this precious piece land while still allowing visitors access so that they could enjoy its beauty firsthand!

There are many iconic landmarks in Australia that are popular with tourists from around the world but few are aware of how important they are to Aboriginal people.

There are many iconic landmarks in Australia that are popular with tourists from around the world but few are aware of how important they are to Aboriginal people.

Ayres Rock, also known as Uluru, is a sacred site for Aboriginal Australians. It is located in central Australia and is one of the largest monoliths on earth. The traditional owners call it “Ayers Rock” or just “Uluru”. They believe that the rock was formed by spirits who travelled across land during Creation Time (the Dreaming). The colours represent different aspects of life such as waterholes where animals drink or caves where animals live; other colours represent clouds which come at different times depending on seasons; white represents rain falling down onto plants growing near by; black represents night time when everything goes quiet except for insects singing songs while sleeping under bushes nearby!


I hope this article has given you a better understanding of Australia’s iconic landmarks. They’re not just places to visit or see but they are important symbols for Aboriginal Australians and their history as well.